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【美国网友】外交:乌克兰政变后,中国小心谨慎地行动着 Empty 【美国网友】外交:乌克兰政变后,中国小心谨慎地行动着

帖子 由 Admin 周一 三月 17, 2014 5:44 pm

因此,中国政府为了维持外交平衡, 拒绝对亲西方的政变和俄国对乌克兰的干预做出谴责。星期天在北京举行的一场发布会上,中国外交部发言人秦刚强调“中国坚持不干涉外国事务的原则”并表示支持乌克兰的“独立,领土和主权的完整”—没有迹象显示中国认为俄国的干预违反了他自己坚持的原则。在第二天的新闻发布会上,秦刚拒绝表明中国政府是否支持俄国在乌克兰采取的行动,但同时也拒绝回应是否承认基辅的政变政府的合法性以及谴责俄国对克里米亚的入侵。-------------译者:观棋柯烂-审核者:osmond------------

In Russia, the Putin government and loyal media outlets portrayed China’s stance as supportive. The Russian foreign ministry declared on Monday that Moscow and Beijing had “broadly coinciding views… in connection to the situation in Ukraine and around it.” In the United States, by contrast, the Wall Street Journal highlighted the “noncommittal remarks” coming from the Chinese government.


China’s manoeuvring continued yesterday in the United Nations Security Council. As American and European representatives issued bellicose denunciations of Russia and threatened unspecified retaliation, Chinese ambassador Liu Jieyi repeated the pro forma statement of China’s support for “the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of another country” and “respect for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.”



Immense Chinese strategic and economic interests are threatened by the developments in Ukraine. For well over a decade-and-a-half, Beijing has carefully cultivated economic ties and military relations with Russia, embodied in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), initially to counter US interventions in Central Asia. As well as Russia, the SCO includes the former Soviet Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and has been the vehicle for China to pursue access to land-transported energy and raw materials, independent of the US-controlled sea lanes from the Middle East and Africa.


In recent years, China has extended its access to Eurasian resources further west. It has particularly sought to secure agricultural commodities from Ukraine to reduce its dependence on the US and close US allies such as Australia. In 2012, the Export-Import Bank of China lent $US3 billion to Ukraine for agricultural development, with the loan to be repaid by exports of corn rather than currency. In June 2013, a major Chinese state-owned corporation signed an estimated $2.6 billion, 50-year contract to lease as much as three million square hectares of Ukrainian farmland—the largest foreign land deal ever made by Chinese concerns. Produce is to be sold to Chinese buyers at fixed prices. The first 100,000 hectares of farmland, in the central Dnipropetrovsk region, is under production.



At the same time, China has made significant arms purchases from Ukraine, including its first aircraft carrier, now operational as the Liaoning.


Ukrainian-Chinese economic relations appeared set to massively expand after Victor Yanukovych’s government announced on November 21 last year that it was abandoning a proposed “association agreement” with the European Union and would instead seek closer cooperation with Russia.


From December 3 to 6, as fascistic and right-wing organisations held pro-US, pro-EU and anti-government protests in Kiev, Yanukovych travelled to Beijing to sign more than 20 agreements that would bring tens of billions of dollars of Chinese investment into Ukraine.


As early as 2015, Chinese state banks were to start lending $15 billion for housing construction. Some $13 billion was to be invested on the construction of a new deep-sea port, grain export terminals and an associated industrial park in Crimea. The National Bank of Ukraine was to be provided with $5 billion in Chinese renminbi, so trade could be carried out directly in the Chinese currency. Other projects included the construction of a gas-refining plant and further agricultural investments. In exchange, Ukraine committed to using Chinese construction companies, equipment and building materials, and significantly increasingly agricultural exports to China.



The agreements signed with China would have been a factor in the decisions taken by the Obama administration and its European allies to step up their support for their proxy forces in Ukraine seeking to bring down Yanukovych’s government.


US strategy since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 has been aimed at enforcing American dominance over the vast Eurasian landmass. This agenda has been pursued through a succession of wars, proxy wars and interventions, most notably Iraq (1991), the Balkans (1994–96), Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), the Ukraine “Orange Revolution” (2004) and the Georgia crisis (2008), as well as war scares on the Korean peninsula and with Iran.


As part of an agenda to weaken Russia, the US has actively sought the installation of a government in Ukraine that would orient toward the European Union and could potentially be brought into NATO.

In Asia, the Obama administration is pursuing a naked policy of undermining Chinese interests across the region. It has provocatively encouraged the Philippines and Japan to assert claims over disputed territories in the South and East China seas, to the point that the prospect of war between Japan and China is being openly discussed by both sides. The US “pivot” to Asia includes concentrating 60 percent of American naval and air forces in Asia and strengthening its military alliances with Japan and Australia, and its relations with India, in preparation for all-out war.

在亚洲,奥巴马政府正在积极破坏整个地区的平衡,其“重返亚洲”政策更是对中国利益赤裸裸的挑衅。奥巴马政府鼓动菲律宾和日本在南中国海、中国东海上分别和中国有争议的领土争端上挑衅。就有关领土争端的前景该如何解决这一问题,日本和中国之间就此是否会爆发战争冲突已被双方公开讨论。美国政府想“撬动”中国的“支点”包括了其集中部署在亚洲的全美海军和空军军事力量的60% ,此外美国还加强了与日本和澳大利亚的军事联盟关系以及与印度的关系。奥巴马政府正为了和中国爆发全面战争做准备。


All the dilemmas that confront the Chinese ruling elite are brought into stark focus by the Ukraine crisis. Its interests and ambitions are being blocked and thwarted by US imperialism in every part of the world.


The Beijing regime has historically opposed the dismemberment of existing national states, due to its concerns that separatism among its own ethnic minorities could be stoked by the US to provoke internal instability or even to break away entire swathes of territory from China. At the very centre of its foreign policy is the insistence that, regardless of the views of the population in Taiwan, the island is an inseparable part of China that must be reunified with the mainland.


Beijing is acutely conscious that if it gave any support to referendums on the separation of Crimea or other Russian-controlled areas from Ukraine it would provide grist to the mill for agitation that Taiwan, Tibet, the western Uighur-populated province of Xinjiang and potentially even Hong Kong be given votes on independence. It would also effectively guarantee that the new regime installed in Kiev would repudiate the agreements that China signed with Yanukovych just three months ago—though that may well take place on the dictates of Washington and the EU anyway.



At the same time, the aggressive US stance in Asia has made the Chinese ruling elite even more dependent on Russia as its only potential ally and supplier of energy and raw materials in the event of conflict. Chinese leaders now face a concerted drive by the US and EU to not just install a puppet government in Kiev, but to isolate, weaken and ultimately collapse Putin’s regime and reduce Russia to a semi-colonial status. China, they are well aware, would be next.


The relentless, reckless and ruthless pressure being brought to bear by US imperialism and its allies on the increasingly desperate Russian and Chinese ruling elites poses the danger of triggering military confrontations that escalate into nuclear war. It is a direct threat to the lives of hundreds of millions of workers and youth around the world that must be answered by the development of an international anti-war movement, based on a socialist perspective.




лидия • a day ago Very interesting about the China investment in Ukraine. Track the money.


Godfrey__Daniel лидия • 12 hours ago

Same thing happened in Libya.


T.M. • 9 hours ago
Russia and China have to come together to protect themselves. Washington will pressure them until they are isolated and forced to accede to US economic and geo-political demands


FredyBlogs • 11 hours ago
"As part of an agenda to weaken Russia, the US has actively sought the installation of a government in Ukraine that would orient toward the European Union andcould potentially be brought into NATO.", with the growing inter-imperialist rivalries ,between Germany and France ,with US Ally Britain ,the possibility of this prospect is becoming ever more remote.
Germany ,see's or soon will see ,its interests in the Ukraine as diametrically opposed ,as Germany and the US ,have been the 2 major antagonists over who rules Europe ,as the Unfinished 20th Century. Intensifies in the 21st.
German and US Imperialist Interests can never be coalescent, in relationship to European or even Eurasian Matters.
Particularly ,since the end of the Cold War ,and the reunification of Germany. The Question of NATO ,is up for resolution with the coming together of France and Germany alliance against BritainUS.
French ,nukes and military unfettered ,with the Economic Power of Germany .Cuts both away , from US influence ,the old world Hegemonic Power ,Ain't what it used to be ,in its Economic and Diplomatic decline ,some would say free-fall.
Germany and France ,aren't no Backward nations .
But ,increasingly becoming hostile to the USBritish Alliance ,which with the Breaking down of British Imperialism ,eg ,Devolution Movements ,Implosion of the Tory ***.
US influence in Europe is not just on the wane .And its influence in the EU ,well what is that?
More a European Union against Britain and the US!



Robert Barsocchini • 11 hours ago
Good information. This is reality. Corporate media are Fischer Price kids' toys compared to this.
"most notably Iraq (1991), the Balkans (1994–96), Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), the Ukraine “Orange Revolution” (2004) and the Georgia crisis (2008), as well as war scares on the Korean peninsula and with Iran."
Can't leave out the US proxy war against Afghanistan started by the US in 1979, which killed about 2 million people, and the US/Euro proxy war carried out through Hussein against Iran, which killed a million Iranians, hundreds of thousands of kurds, and hundreds of thousands of conscripted Iraqis.




FreeBSD • 15 hours ago
Nice analysis. Didn't know the extent of Chinese involvment.



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