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【世界网友】国外网友关于中国问题的问答汇总 Empty 【世界网友】国外网友关于中国问题的问答汇总

帖子 由 Admin 周四 十月 09, 2014 11:47 am

1、What are some of the stranger things you’ve seen in Chinese airports?


回答1:The amount of VIP rooms.

China Mobile VIP Room, China Unicom VIP Room, Ctrip VIP Room, along with the airline lounges.



回答2:Walking through Beijing airport for the first time, saw my first Chinese toddler in ‘crotchless’ trousers, (without a nappy either) that was a shock, but nothing to the next second when the toddlers mother picked him up by the knees and allowed him to urinate right there in the middle of the airport concourse, my neck almost did a full 360!


回答3:In the Shanghai airport, there are no vending machines, at least at the international departure area. I was looking for a bottle of water and they didn’t have any. The only drink available that wasn’t at a restaurant was warm water in a paper cone.


2、How many one night stands you had in china?
Just answer the Question……no one judge me here



回答1:I got married (to a Chinese lady) before I came here so none. I’m old (period) fashioned that way.



回复1:you counted them all?!!!!!!!…….do you remember them by the name also?


回复2:38675 / 365 ~ 106 years

38675 / 365 ~ 106年

回答3:Do I include hookers?


回答4::None because I’m somewhat old-fashioned. It’s been my experience that people who sleep around a lot can’t seem to hold a stable relationship for long.


回答5:Only been with one woman in China. And that is my wife. I did hug my mother in law once, but I don’t think that counts.


3、问题:Since you’ve lived in China, which products have risen in price?

Seems a lot of things have gone way way up in price, especially food (and rent), since I arrived in China two years ago. Which ones in particular have you found went way up?




回答1:”RMB” !! it was 0.12$. .. now is 0.16$


回答2:Almost everything…………..and the RMB becomes HIGHER AND HIGHER compared to other currencies such as USD….etc

几乎所有东西。。。。。。 与美元和其他货币相比,人民币越来越升值了

回答3:eggs are quite famous
-real estate should go down, but hasn’t followed logical market trends, as nouveau riche Chinese don’t understand economics



4、Best city to live in China?

I’m planning to move to China in August – I was wondering what would be the best city to live in for me? I’m a 23 year old Australian male who recently finished my degree. I’m planning to do a bit of English teaching while I’m there. Id like a friendly city with a great nightlife, easy to get around and things to do during the day. I was thinking Shanghai but are there any other options?



回答1:You would find more friendly places than Shanghai. It’s all hustle and bustle. Try the cities around it like Nanjing, Suzhou or Hangzhou. Perhaps they still have more of the charm you are looking for. Plus the nightlife.


回答2:I’ll never live in Shanghai, Beijing or Guangzhou…not for me

I live in Xiamen and will probably stay for some years, if I can. (I’m staying next year)
A warm, clean, beautiful & friendly city on the coast, the air is good too.
Foreigners from many countries…anything western is available.
Night life is good enough, depends on what you like, beach parties every 2 weeks
now also. For me good night life in China is only in those 3 big cities and Chengdu maybe (I’ve heard). I hate pop culture and KTV. Underground culture is not the same like back home, unfortunately


回答3:Beijing and Shanghai are great cause it’s a little more western, which you will appreciate when you live in China. Shenzhen is cool cause Hong Kong is right there and Qingdao is gorgeous.


回答4:I dont like the massive cities like Bejing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou. I do love the country side, and have spent some time travel around it, but I dont think I would want to live in too small of a place.
Chengdu was awesome, and I would recommend it. There are lots of cool places around it you can go see, and the city has a good feel.
Dalian is my favorite. Its nicely developed, easy to get around. Friendly people. Most actually know what a queue is (more than other places at least). Just an all around good place to live.



回答5:Shenzhen has great nightlife..tons of expats…many expat areas with western restaurants and bars…the weather is nice year round…you are 30 minute train ride from Hong Kong and the women here are the hottest in the country (IMO).
People complain that there is a lack of culture and history here but if you don’t care too much about these things then Shenzhen is the best.

I would pick Guangzhou as a second choice.



回答6:Of the big cities i’ve visited (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu) i’d have to say Shanghai every time, the place has a lot of atmosphere. I live in Guangxi though, in which i’ve lived in Beihai, Liuzhou, Guilin and Nanning, and of these cities i’d recommend Guilin, it’s clean, beautiful, an hour from Yangshuo (always a laugh there) and it’s got all the night-life you could need. Plenty of ex-pats too, but nothing like the big coastal cities.


5、What’s a good salary in Chinese people’s minds?
I’m completely content with my salary, but curious if it is impressive to Chinese or not. What’s a decent salary for a college-educated Chinese? Or for a Chinese guy supporting a family? Also, what’s a decent salary for Chinese in Beijing/Shanghai as compared to lower-tiered cities?



回答1:You would have to make six figures a year to make it a good salary especially in the top tier cities like Shanghai and Beijing. Afterall they were put on the top 25 most expenses to iive in the world. Six Figure salary a year!


回答2:It depends on people. Someone can’t be happy with 50,000 per month and someone will just be happy for 5000 per month.
:A decent salary for college-educated Chinese I’ll say 4000 or 5000 to start, coz our school always get offer from companies that willing to pay sophomore interns 3000 per month, 5000 to start.
To support a family 50,000 per month will be good


回答3:it all depends where you live i think 20000 yuan in beijing would not be very much money but 20000 in xi an would be a fortune


回答4:I have a friend who graduated from college in Nanning and he makes 1,500 yuan a month and thinks that is pretty good


回答5:im from Norway and live in Norway ofc, but i want to try live in china, been to Beijing 2 times.
anyway here in Norway, you dont even need a job to get by, i might sound lazy (and i am) but i get 12000 Norwegian Kroners a month for free, that is about 14000 RMB.

yes for free, i get it from a goverment thing, dont really care enough to bother with it to know all about it, im just happy i get free money every month.
im 22 years old and still in school,and cant bother getting a job in between, to much stress, so free money is allways nice.
so Norway to me is perfect that way Wink


6、Why choose to live in Shanghai?
Just wondering why some of us would want to live in Shanghai instead of other cities or towns in China.
I understand that some of us have jobs that bring us there and we don’t have much choice. But let’s say for teachers who can work wherever they want in China, why choose Shanghai?
What are the benefits of being in Shanghai?



回答1:You can buy Subway sandwiches there. I’ve also heard the best live jazz i’ve heard in ages, in the centre of Shanghai. Only had to pay 50 yuan for a bottle of beer, to be able to stand there and enjoy it too. But i’d move there for the sandwiches.


回复1:Subway is there in most 2nd tier cities…


回复2:Haha, I don’t actually know what that means. I mean, I live in Nanning and that’s the capital of Guangxi. So what’s that then, 2nd tiered? 1st tiered? 4th? 5th? No idea.


回答2:I like Beijing….
AND we can get Subway here too….


7、How do you friends/family at home react to you living in China?
I usually get, “That’s so adventurous/Smart for the future.”,…………………or something really racist



回答1:Friends think I’m totally nuts, usual comments are along the lines of “I could never live under a communist dictatorship with such appalling human rights” etc etc.


回答2:5 years ago when I told a friend I was moving to China, she asked “Do they live in mud huts there?” I had to explain to her that Shanghai is one of the 3 biggest cities in the world. She still didn’t get it. I pulled up a panorama picture online for her to look and see if she could find any mud huts lining The Bund.


8、Friends and family who came to China – did they hate or love China?
Did the people who came to see you here love or hate their experience?
My family was happy to spend 10 days here, but somewhat digusted by how dirty it was. Some friends came, were super happy to see things, but even happier to go back home.



回答1:Well my mother’s coming to see my new baby boy soon, and i’m certain she’s going to fit right in here; just like a square peg in one of those round holes.


回答2:I think most of my family would not like it here for the most part. However, some of my friends would like it, but would probably be happy to leave too. Depends where you come from I guess, and where you visit while here.


回答3:It would depend on where you live… where you will take them etc..
eg: if u r living in shanghai posh westernised area .. they would love it
if u take them for site seeing… choose nice roads.. every one is amazed with the vast expressway network (dont take them thru busy ones)
finally if you are driving them around and going only to 5A attaractions.. its jst a gr8 country…


9、Why are condoms so expensive here?


回答1:Supply and demand economics. Too many people buying them.
But the larger sized ones are cheaper….less demand don’t ya know.


回复:good point right here


回答2:It’s expensive only if u don’t believe Chinese ones and want to buy branded…. Otherwise very cheap ones are also available I think


回答3:Because cost is inversely proportional to size!
That can be the only explanation.


10.Which western city is most likely to shock mainland Chinese?
Which city do you think would be most likely to shock or bewilder mainland Chinese should they travel there?



回答1:Any city in Japan when they find out that Japanese people are not all killers.


回答2:Seeing as there are Chinese people in just about every city, I would think that almost no place would bewilder them. I even know of Chinese people doing business in Iraq & Afghanistan.


回答3:Probably certain aspects of Western culture would shock them, as Chinese culture often shocks foreign nationals arriving in China. But I don’t think any particular city would. Maybe, I guess, if a Chinese moved from a squalid, dirty provincial city in China to somewhere like Cambridge or Stratford-upon-Avon in England, the difference in appearance and social etiquette may shock them.


11、What do people do here besides teach?
It seems that most foreigners come here to teach English or study, what other jobs or projects are foreigners in China involved with?


回答1:When asked, I say I am a criminal.


I’m currently facilities manager for a foreign company here in Beijing.
Other jobs are diplomats, area managers, country managers, consultants, business owners, sales and whole lot more.


回答3:study…teach….do business…..or travel around as a backpacker or something


回答4:I’m an engineer. Building a new factory


12、Are all foreigner men Playboys in the eyes of chinese people?
Alot of girls are afraid of us and do not trust us and think we change girls like we change clothes…..do you think it is because we are all generalized to be ‘Playboys’?



回答1:Not everyone thinks like this, although there are always the ones who think we come just to steal their women. Stereotypes exist everywhere, for instance all Shanghai women are spoilt, pretentious gold-diggers. Now while that may be true for some I am sure there are some genuinly nice ladies there, however I have not been to Shanghai yet so maybe I am wrong. This idea probably stems from the idea that all westerners are rich and have a much better life in their own countries compared to the average Chinese person here, so that it is very easy for westerners to find girlfriends and wives. Once the Chinese see the majority of westerners with a Chinese girl on his arm then they think we are just ***’s. Like most ideas in the Chinese mind they do not think it through more thoroughly, if they did they would discover that we are like everyone else, some good some not so good. The Chinese do like to take a lot at face value without looking too critically and that is how the stereotype begins.


回答2:i am gonna break this rumor! i still believe there are good foreign guys breathing in the world just like the love going on in the movie and on the TV, IT EXISTS ! TRUE LOVE EXISTS EVERYWHERE! there are pretty lots of ***s in China too it is their problems not your problem or my problem! it is up to you what you want to be !


Do you like baijiu?


回答1:Words cannot describe how much I hate this drink


回答2:I do like it. Much more than it likes me in fact.


Which aspect of Chinese society do you find most difficult to accept?
We’re all living in another country, so it’s our job to adapt, but which aspect of society or culture here do you find most difficult to accept?



回答:For me it is a few things,
1. The total lack of empathy towards their fellow humans,
2. The closed minded bigotry that says China is wonderful everywhere else is crap,
3. The dishonesty in all its forms, from high level corruption to the old woman in the street who tries to rip off the person who helps her.
4. The total lack of logic at times.
5. The un-professionalism shown by companies, doctors and just about anyone.
Having said that I enjoy my life here and I have met a lot of really nice Chinese people, a few of who are now good friends. I was saying to my wife the other day that in some ways China seems split down the middle, on one side you have the people who are good people and on the other you have everyone else. There doesn’t seem a lot in the middle, and she agreed with me.


回复1:I understand, and largely agree, with your point. I have developed my own theory on this point. I think it may just come down to, most (obviously not all) Chinese are very nice to people they know, and very nasty to people they don’t know.
Therefore, the people you ‘know’ are great friends, and everyone else appears to be a rude, arrogant ……



回复2:I agree with all of this, it’s kind of weird at times living in a country that can be simultaneously so overwhelmingly welcoming and uncompassionate.



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注册日期 : 14-02-18


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【世界网友】国外网友关于中国问题的问答汇总 Empty 回复: 【世界网友】国外网友关于中国问题的问答汇总

帖子 由 Admin 周四 十月 09, 2014 12:01 pm

People have no hobbies at all in China?
I have many Chinese friends but none of them have any real hobbies. None go to sculpture or painting classes, none take cooking classes, or dance lessons. Nothing.
I ask them and they say watching movies or reading books, but that’s not a hobby.
Maybe I have strange friends, but so few people seem to have hobbies.




回答1:You have strange friends.
:Chinese people generally have many random hobbies.
I admire it actually, my hobby is pretty much drinking and going to bars. Or eating and sitting on my ass at the computer.


回答2:-Needle crafts are big, I always see women doing needlepoint
-Pool is popular as is chess
-Sports, especially basketball
-Many people do seem to have no hobbies at all. I blame it on the school system.


回答3:if your old. you can go out to your local park and dance. they always look quite happy doing it.


回答4:They have no time for hobbies, at least not until they retire.


which country in asia has the most beautiful people?
pick 3 Asian countries that has the most beautiful people》. Beautification in terms of facially,eyes,hairs,height ,shape,and all other aspects….
for me it:
1,Indians ( sharp in everything:they‘ve got the world most beautiful eyes people)
2,Philippines ( Philippines is the world’s second largest number of beauty pageant queens, and is Asia’s largest.)
3,Middle East ( Afghanistan,Pakistan, Saudi Aabia.)










回答1:China, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam (no particular order)


回答2:For me it has always been the mixed girls that have the looks I like. But for pure blood beauty I like:
and Filipinas.
But, I think there is beautiful women in every country, each with their own great traits.


回答3:I like Chinese women, Thailand women are beautiful , I noticed the ones I liked most looked Chinese. All countries have beautiful women, the difference between home and China is that there are more people in China, so I see more women.


回答4:The Japanese, Korean, Chinese and probably Vietnamese.


回答5:Based on my experience in Asia, South Korea,Taiwan and China. There are also very attractive Vietnamese gals


Do Chinese people masturbate?
Particularly women?
Is it considered a bad thing here?
Do men keep them ashamed of this so they will never know what an orgasm is?




回答1::Boys do… all the time.
Girls… not so much. Some of them do, but some of them don’t.


回答2:Of course the guys do it. I’ve had friends tell me they watch Japanese ***, As for girls, I don’t know. I’d never ask my friends about it, it’s too personal.


回答3:The poor people do. The rich pay someone to do it for them.


What’s a ‘wumao’?
I’ve been accused on this site of being a ‘wumao’. I know what five mao is in terms of currency, but i’m not familiar with internet speak. Would someone please tell me what it means?



回答1:A paid poster, paid by the organs to post far-right nationalist drivel. They are rumored to be paid .5 per post. hence the name.


回答2:Someone who spreads internet propoganda, defends China relentlessly, and tries to make other countries look bad. It’s rumored the gov. pays people 5 mao per post.


More violence in Beijing?
A lot of article about violence towards foreigners in China are out there right now, but I tend to ready about a lot of violence in China in general. I know the crime rate is lower here, especially in Beijing, but is there more violence here in general lately or is there just more media coverage about it?



回答1:China’s going through a big change, more and more foreigners flooding in, it’s bound to have it’s problems, racism is a universal illness and the Chinese are not immune. I’m gonna stick around though, things in Nanning are still fine as far as I can see. In seven years i’ve never felt threatened but I took my wife to England for 6 weeks and she saw a street-fight with about 6 men. Embarrassing.


回答2:China has always had crime problems, the state run media just chooses to ignore it.


Why do Chinese people never complain….
about most things?
This happens all the time with my gf who says I complain too much.
We are eating at Pizza Hut last night (first time in 2 months…needed a break)…I am chowing down on a piece of pizza when I almost choke on something…after I spit it out I discover it is a small piece of plastic that was baked into the pizza.
She begged me not to say anything and to forget about it. This happens all the time with other things with her. The only thing she complains about is me or friends…never other stuff….is this common?
Are they taught from a young age to toe the line and never cause a scene?
At home that pizza would have been free if this happened…and all I wanted to do was point out this mistake to the manager so it would not happen to someone else…didn’t care about getting it for free….it’s the principle.


回答1:You SHOULD complain. Plastic is POISONOUS. If it’s baked into the Pizza, take pictures with your phone and post it on mop/weibo. Let everyone know what’s going on, and they’ll be forced to change. It’s the only way to get things fixed in China… a firestorm of criticism.


回答2:They have grown up with crap like that happening on a regular basis. I think they just get used to it so much that it doesn’t matter to them anymore.


回答3:this is china. they are taught to take it up the ass and like it. it has to with the gov. if people complain about everyday things like your situation it would lead to complaining about the gov. so people are essentially taught to have 0 expectations of anything. which is one of the ways chinese are holding back chinese.


What exactly does ‘harmony’ mean anyway?
…. in China.


回答1:Following the orders of those above you unquestionably. See, everything will go smoothly and be “harmonious.”


回答2:this word “harmony” already made closely connect with china’s political and social life. about ten years ago, when president Hu announcement china should set up a “Harmony society” ,that mean all chinese people should be more peaceful and lived more comfortable with each other. BUT the truth is many local governments use this word as excuse to crack down common people’s protest. now if chinese people talk about “harmony society” in private, always have some irony sense in there.


China and Japan, friends or foes still?
I have a Japanese friend in Nanjing and he seems to be doing fine, at least last time I talked to him he was. Do Japanese people in China still face a lot of prejudice or is that starting to die down?



回答1:I live in Daqing and here still people have some resentment. Some of them would not even go to japanese restaurants just because find them offensive.


回答2:A few of my male students have told me they hate Japanese (the irony is that one of them told me this while wearing a “One Piece.” T-shirt). When I asked “why?” I got the standard “no why” responese, which I’ve taken to become synonymous with “I haven’t been taught to think.”
:So, while they love the culture, they don’t like the people because of something that happen a long time ago, not realizing that the people who committed those atrocities are, quite likely dead themselves, or will be soon.


Are Chinese girls more “devious” than other girls?


回答1:Yes, because they have had 5,000 years of practice


回答2:Most women everywhere are devious and want a partner who has money and will buy them nice things.
Most men everywhere are pig and want *** on demand, no strings attached.
NOTE: I did not say ALL!!!


What do you most respect about China and the Chinese?
It seems all too common for foreigners to point out the negative aspects of life in China and the Chinese themselves, but unless you are an ignorant (ie. prone to ignoring the truth), bigoted, racist, there must be a number of positive things to say about this most ancient of cultures.



回答1:one more… even though 99% of population are atheist… i didnt find any considerable difference from most other countries i have been when comparing crime rate / ppls happiness / society control… what ever… this point really gave me a big doubt if religion is that important or not… as i have observed atleast in countries like india – religion is business strategy… and is creating a lot of trouble in society…


回答2:from history.. i like kungfu… well not as a danger sport .. as some sort of spiritual control.. the scientific part of it… dont know if it exists.. but atleast ideas exists and shown in good movies…
:Like the fact that old generation is actively doing exercise by the side of the road… in groups.. good co-ordination.. team work.. with happy face… taichi?
Old generation changed their style after china opened up… i mean clothing.. i was surprised to see grandfathers etc wearing nice suit/pants etc.. normally old generation does not change what ever happens from the way they are used to….in most countries i have been…




回答3:The close family ties that they share. And also it is great to say to see them exercising in the parks, and in the evenings all the old women coming out to do an exercise / dance together in lines. I would never see that in Canada, and it is a shame.


回答4:family values


回答5:The fact that almost everyone I’ve met plays video games. Seriously, even all the female friends I have play WoW (there might be a relation between the two).
Also, the fact that most online gamers are adults. Seriously, when you don’t have to hear children/angry teenagers yelling all sorts of insults in their microphones, online games become a LOT more enjoyable.



Tourist spots that are just not worth it?
Has anyone had an experience like this?



回答1:Bruce Lee Paradise. For 100RMB you can tour Bruce Lee’s Grandfather’s 2 room home where it is rumored that Bruce Lee may have stayed for 1 night.


回答2:The great wall of china….. What is there to see?????


It has a good name for being one of China’s best cities to live. I was there for a month, and it is by far at the bottom of my list of places to live in China in terms of air quality, green spaces within the city, monuments, trees, streets, etc.
Not a bad place, but a huge opposite of what I expected.


Is Vietnam food same as Chinese, only more healthy?
Noodle soups, rice dishes, etc. Same dishes, but with less oil, more vegetables, less sauce.



回答1:I wouldn’t say so. There are similarities, the ones you mentioned, but the balance of flavours is quite different different, and the Vietnamese use many more herbs, in a much greater volume, to flavour their food. Sweet sauces for main meals are quite rare, slightly salty broths are more the norm.
:You’re right about the oil, I find the food here in Vietnam much more healthy than the food I ate in China. Plates of food swimming in oil are very rare.


What Chinese foods are healthy?
What Chinese foods are healthy and considered to be a good part of a strength building diet? By healthy, I think I mean low in fat and nutritious.



回答1:Low in fat? That rules out anything with oil! I don’t think they worry about fat intake. When they wantto lose weight, they say to eat less meat, more rice.


回答2:Tofu is extremely healthy and low in fat as are all soy products providing that there are no other chemical “surprises” added in the production stage.
Often its health benefits are counteracted by the large amount of oil used in cooking.
So a tofu dish with fresh vegies that is quickly stir fried in a small amount of good oil would be very healthy and low in fat.







帖子数 : 646
注册日期 : 14-02-18


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