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【世界网友】文化:当想到亚洲,你首先想到的是?东亚? Empty 【世界网友】文化:当想到亚洲,你首先想到的是?东亚?

帖子 由 Admin 周三 四月 09, 2014 2:08 pm



great food.....


When I think of Asians,I think of Cute & petite exotic dolls with pretty hands and pretty feet.I also think of tasty Chinese food and very interesting culture.Asian chicks are among the most beautiful women/races I adore.
You are right though,I do also think of Japanese,Chinese and Korean people.I'm not ignorant,I could never be a racist,therefore I wouldn't call anybody "chinks" not my style.We all got the right to be here,in this world.
By the way,smaller eyes or bigger eyes don't really mean anything,nobody's perfect.Some people may seem to be perfect,but in reality,they are not.All races bring something different to the table.I believe that's what God wanted,Who are we to disagree?


yes, when people say asian I only think of east asians. Although I know other countries are also Asian, I usually just think of Indias peuple as Indians.


I think of Asia the continent, not just the east.
Yes, i admit i start with chinese/japanese, but i do include indians as Asian


Yep, when people mention Asian, I always think of East Asian, never an Indian or middle easterner


When I think of Asians I think of the great food that they have...
i love me some asian boys

当我想到亚洲的时候我会想到那些美味的食物, 我爱亚洲小伙子!

Who agrees that South Asians and Southeast Asians look better than East Asians?
South Asians = Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, etc.
Southeast Asians = Indonesians, Malaysians, Filipinos, Cambodians, etc.
East Asians = Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Mongolians
Just so you know, I'm not Asian

2.有人同意南亚 ,东南亚人比起东亚人更好看吗?

South Asians are the best group. The other two look alike


Nope. In the whole of the Far East, I find Filipinos and Cambodians generally to be least attractive.
The more attractive people seem to come out of Taiwan, Korea and occasionally Thailand.
And seriously, ALL Southeast Asians and ALL South Asians look better than ALL East Asians? Your logic is disturbingly flawed. It's subjective and impossible for an entire group of people to ALL be better looking than another.

认真点说,难道所有的东南亚人和南亚人都比东亚人好看? 你啊~ navie.. 那都是主观看法,不可能说一个群体的所有人都比另一个群的好看

I do not agree , because I have met friends from various countries (Thailand , Vietnam, India, Mongolia, Korea , Japan, China, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Myanmar) and they are all good-looking for the most part


Noooo.. South Asians are a definite NO.
Southeast asians, they can be cute sometime, real prettyyyy,
East Asian = Best in my opinion

不不不不!! 南亚人首先绝对不可能(是最好看的)

No, East Asians are the more attractive


They all look the same to me and I personally find them boring to look at


Do you think East Asians are more attractive than Southeast Asians?
Before you read, this is NOT a racist question. I am Asian myself and I think East Asians are generally more attractive than Southeast Asians because they have pure radiant fair skin and a thin small nose which most Southeast Asians lack.
Most Southeast Asians have brown skin and a flat nose with huge nostrils which is not-so-attractive in my opinion ............
The reason why brown skin on Southeast Asians is considered not attractive in my opinion is because black hair with brown skin don't quite match. Black hair with fair skin are more attractive and more appealing because the colors go well together.
For example, what colors look better together? White and black or brown and black? Of course the white and black because the colors look so well together. It's called harmony and balance. Harmony and balance is what makes something visually pleasing and attractive.
Since East Asians also have a thin small nose, it gives them even more harmony within their faces because a small nose gives definition to your face. Flat noses with huge nostrils are just down right unattractive and highly unpleasant to the eyes. It's the truth. I'm not being racist. It just simply is the truth. Southeast Asians are just considered lower class ......
Pity, I am a Southeast Asian myself but I'm also partially Chinese. That small amount of Chinese in me gave me pure radiant fair skin. The downside of that is that I was unlucky enough to get the unattractive flat big nostrils Southeast Asian nose ......... ughhhh ...........
But it's alright though because I'm gonna have surgery on it anyways when I get older and make it thinner, smaller, and a bit taller ...
No, I'm not trying to be Caucasian. No, I am not self-hating my own race, I just think Southeast Asians are just generally less attractive. No, I am not a racist.
Yes, this is sorta a rant. And yes, it's the truth.


许多东南亚人有着棕色的皮肤和带着大鼻孔的肥大的鼻子,我认为那真是 毫!无!吸!引!力!



遗憾的是,我是东南亚人.但是我也有一些中国血统,那一点点的中国血统给了我美丽而又清晰的皮肤. 但不幸的一面就是我有着东南亚人那大鼻孔的大鼻子,呜呜呜呜.....

both are nice


i honestly don't know the difference and i didn't want to take the time to read this


Sorry, You forgot the eyes, which is the important thing for consideration. Southeast asian people have two times bigger than yours, and east asian guys look feminine, like asian girls, cheers


Yeah I think East Asians are alot better looking.
@amanda: Southeast is like Thai, Cambodian, Filipino, Viet. East is Chinese, Japanese, Korean

@amanda(译注:回复某层): 东南亚是泰国,柬埔寨,越南,东亚是中日韩.

know this sounds bad but i just cant tell the difference between asians. i lived in china for a year and they just look 99% the same. terrible i know but this is honestly how it seemed


Lol that's funny....I happen to think that SEA are better looking than East Asians on average....
They have sharper facial features


I personally like southeast asians especially filipinos .. they sorta look hispanic and i like that


It's not the truth, it's just your opinion


well i'm not all that good at geography so when you say southeast i don't know. i know the races i like from that side of the world are philipine, chinese, and korean, they are the most attractive to me. i havn't got to see to many japanese men but they probably look good to. i don't know what russians or pakistani looks like. now that jon abraham if all indians look like that they are fine as hell. but other than that those are my choices the ones at the top.
edit oh ok thanks star, um i guess overall i like the east asians best then


You're gonna change your god given features? Why do you want to look like East Asians so badly? There aren't any better in looks than Southeast Asians, or any other Asians for that matter. Besides, Southeast Asians can/do look good w/ darker skin.
"No, I'm not trying to be Caucasian." Lol, like I said before, why change your features? I think you are trying to be caucasian, accept it, it's the truth.

你未来想要改变上帝给与你的特征?为什么你 如!!此!! 的想变得看起来像东亚人?比起东南亚人,变成东亚人或者其他种类的亚洲人没有任何好处,除此之外,东南亚人有着更好看的黑色皮肤,
"我并不是想试着变成高加索人" 哈哈,就象我之前说的,为什么要改变你的外貌特征?我认为你正试着想变成高加索人. 好了,接受吧,那是事实

How to make friends from east asia?
this is probably a stupid thing to say and its kinder hard for me to explain myself but i really love everything about east asia and i would love to become really good friends with the people like from china korea or japan etc wat ever and that can speak english....here in the uk (london) i see them walk pass either in uni or on the streets and they are always with their kin and so i find it hard to talk to them, i get nervous or think that they might not want to be friends with me cos of the Communication and other big differences between us, i don't want to be friends with them that are just a hi and bye relationship but More better friendship relationship if u knw what i mean ... can some one help me plssss on what i should do thank you so much x


well, although i'm not from east asia, but i'm a chinese living in indonesia. the basic thing is to smile, have you done it?
but looking at your case, it's kind of difficult because you just see them pass by. if you really want to, why don't you do the cliche moves.
like ask their trouble when they look confused.
hopefully you'll make some east asian friends!! Smile



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